Tango Festivals, Festivalitos
Please select destination country to startWhat kind of events arethe Tango Festivals, Festivalitos?
At the Tango Festivals the tango dancers from different countries are meeting each-other and also with 3-5 couples of well-known tango star performers-teachers, who are the central persons at a Tango Festival. It takes a weekend, a half week or sometimes one week.
At the Tango Festivals usually there are everiday milongas with shows of tango star couples, concerts, worrkshop classes, seminars,, public events. Usually it starts at Thursday evening, and ends on Sunday night.
At the Tango Festivals usually you have to regiseter in advance (1-4 months earlier) for the classes and for the milongas, but they are not gender balanced, and the organizers let in everyone also on the location until the places are filled up. The number of the participants at a Festival can be various, between 100 and 800 participants. There are no minimum tango knowledge limit to participate at a Festival milongas, but there may be some minimum knowledge limit to participate on iintermediate or advanced level workshop classes, seminars.
The Tango Fesstivalitos are small Tango Festivals, usually with 1-3 tango star performer-teacher couples. At a Tango Festivalito, the location are smaller and the number of participants are less, than in a Festival, usually between 50 and 200 participants.