Looking for a Dance Partner or Roommate


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• I am looking for a Dance Partner


You can view the Dance Partne profiles and send an answer for them. Your answer will sent to the e-mail address of the selected Tango Friend, and you can get in contact with him or her as a possibile Dance Partner.


• I submit my profile as a Dance Partner


You can submit your Dance Partner profile and Tango Friends, who are looking for a Dance Partner, will abble to search and find you. You are abble to write in your profile, that you are looking for a Dance Partner for a specific tango event, and other details too.


• I am looking for a Roommate


You can view the Roommate profiles and send an answer for them. Your answer will sent to the e-mail address of the selected Tango Friend, and you can get in contact with him or her as a possibile Roommate for a specific tango event.


• I submit my profile as a Roommate


You can submit your Roommate profile for a specific tango event and Tango Friends, who are looking for a Dance Partner, will abble to search and find you. You are abble to write in your profile, that you are looking for a Roommate for a specific tango event, and other details too.